Who are we?
Fizebad is a country club located near Medellin, in a charming estate full of magic, which preserves its traditional architecture and natural environment. Here in every corner you can breathe serenity and a special fresh air that invites you to dream and get lost in time, captivating the hearts of those who visit it.
It is the ideal destination for those who wish to live an unforgettable experience and moments of connection.
Our history
"Guarceños" is the name given to the natives of El Retiro, located in eastern Antioquia. Gold and quartz are closely related to the initial name of this town, because at the time of colonization, Don Ignacio Castañeda and his wife Javiera Londoño arrived in search of mines to exploit.
This is where this story begins.
In 1825 Don Braulio Mejía (Rionegrero) and Doña Sotera Lorenzana (Spanish Marquise) built the big house, a salt extraction property, abundant at that time. The extraction of salt required processes in cauldrons and the combustion of wood created areas free of vegetation, better known as paddocks
The estate passed into the hands of Raimundo Hoyos who gave it the name of "Hacienda Fizebad" which translates as "paddocks of good retirement in the "Hindi" language, without ignoring the existence of a city with almost the same name. "Faizabad" in India and many similarities with oriental languages.
At the end of the 50's, the company Everfit Indulana decided to start wool production on the farm by importing sheep from New Zealand and Argentina, reaching more than 3000 grazing sheep. At that time Jaime Posada and his wife Ligia Moreno de Posada set about the task of recovering the big house trying to reconstruct its architecture and furniture of the time, but also decided to replicate a small paisa village with cobblestone streets, church, pharmacy, store, and a main square.
By 1985, what is known today as “Corporación Club Hacienda Fizebad” was born, a peaceful place of singular and exuberant beauty.
Our facilities

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